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Turn - Learn - Pray - Worship - Bless - Go - Rest

Welcome to Wayfinders, a new way to learn and grow and be formed in Christ’s love.

Complete four of the seven Waypoints to earn each Wayfinder Badge.

The Waypoints are based on the seven principles of The Way of Love, practices for a Jesus-centered life. It turns out that these seven principles are also a good reflection of the different ways that we learn: through doing, reading, teaching, listening, leading, and more! If there aren’t four Waypoints that are a good fit, let Rowan know and they will help you create a custom Waypoint to help you earn your badge.



Badges are grouped into three main categories: Baptismal Promises, Catechism, and History & Tradition. More badges are being developed and will be released soon! Get started by choosing from one of the three badges below. Click on the name of the badge to see the Waypoints for each one.

Creation Care

Caring for God’s Creation is one of our baptismal promises in the Diocese of Massachusetts. It is currently the Season of Creation in the Episcopal Church. Celebrate this season by exploring this badge’s Waypoints.

Love Your Neighbor

Loving your neighbor is one of the two things Jesus tells us are most important things we can do in life. At our Baptism, we promise that we will love our neighbors. It certainly isn’t always easy—there’s always room to grow as we learn to love others.

Interfaith Learning

Loving our neighbors and treating other human beings with dignity and respect includes learning about what they believe. Our neighbors in the Boston area are Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, and more!