Children, Youth, and Families
Grace welcomes children and families to be a full part of the community life of the church. When we say all are welcome at God’s altar at Grace Church, that includes all ages! We embrace the joyful noise of infants and toddlers in our worship and welcome families who seek to grow in faith together. Faith formation for all ages and service to others are some of the values that guide our life together as a community. Our minister for Christian Formation for Children and Youth, Sofia Rose Wolman, works with parents and families to guide our programatic offerings, and always welcomes new ideas and feedback!
Formation for Children & Families
Grace offers a full array of programs and services for young parishioners, forming children and families alike through opportunities for service and community outreach, prayer and meditation, and engaging in arts and music.
Through celebrating the liturgical year we create opportunities for youth leadership in worship, learn to sing and pray together, and learn more about our faith tradition while holding space for questions and doubt, in a community that values diversity and kindness.
Formation for Youth
Youth also have the opportunities to join in service projects and social action events throughout the year. We’ve collected children’s books for the Blackstone Library; supported our local food pantry by holding an Election Day bake sale and selling homemade apple pies; collected funds to donate to the Animal Rescue League of Boston; and completed a service project with the Appalachian Mountain Club at the Noble View Outdoor Center in Russell, MA.
During the summer of 2020, several youth participated in a multi-church Virtual Social Justice Organizing Camp and met online with their legislators to speak about issues important to them.
We continue to meet as a Youth Group for fellowship, fun, and formation. Our question this year is “In this time, who am I called to be, and what am I called to do?” To join monthly meetings email Sofia or check Grace Today, our weekly newsletter.
Acolyte Ministry
Serving as an acolyte is a way for children and youth from 4th to 12th grades to participate in and feel part of the church’s traditions.
Acolytes generally serve once every three or four weeks. Contact the Church Office ( to learn more about acolyting at Grace Newton!