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NOTE: Worship begins at 10:30am.
The Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany
February 16, 2025 at 10:30am
Grace Church Sanctuary
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You are welcome!
Grace Church, Newton MA is a faith community in the Episcopal (Anglican) tradition. Every Sunday at communion our priest says, “Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here.” And we mean it! Exclusion is not our style. Hospitality is. We are straight and gay, from many different racial and ethnic backgrounds, seekers and doubters, newbies and lifelong church-goers. We are known for our commitment to social justice, our support of women in ministry (ordained and lay), and our love of learning and discussion. We’ve been in Newton Corner for a while (since 1855). We grow in faith together, and extend Christ’s welcome out into the world.
Interested in what’s happening at Grace or wondering if a space is available for a rental? Consult our calendar here or email the office.